
Octogenarian - Expected November 2024

What Is It?
Octogenarian is my next MegaDemo. When I finished Better Late Than Never, I had a bundle of routines, artwork and ideas left over. After taking some inspiration from other screens on other retro-platforms, I commenced coding during Christmas of 2023.

Whilst I always just wanted to "finish" my first production and keep it full of old-school charm, this is a bit different. I've tried to make it look more polished and slightly more in keeping with some of the more modern Atari demos - but don't be surprised if some scrolltext still manages to sneak in somewhere!
Octogenarian Screen
Screenshot from a work in progress. It might look totally different by the time it's released!

Octogenarian Screen
Recycling - it's good for the planet, yeah?
The demo is six screens in a sequence - no menu this time.

The coding is one thing, but the work I've done on the presentation seems to take as long as the original main demo itself!

As before, this will be 100% STOS - although there's a loader that I've written to chain it together, written in 68K assembly which avoids those awful white blank screens inbetween each section.

All graphics have been done by myself. Music has been taken from either the SND or MOD archives.

7th October 2024 Update

I've nearly finished the final screen! It's then a matter of ensuring it'll all work together OK, ironing out any final bugs I've found and then releasing. Hoping to release early November!
Stacks Image 33
A momentary bout of inspiration that led to a screen getting completed in three weeks!